Thursday, November 5, 2009

When the cat is away...the mice will play!

So tonight was one of Trey's late nights to work...which during the work week translates to "he'll be back after Sarah goes to bed!" So it was me, the cat, and the dog! And what an adventure it was...
I had big plans to get caught up on some grading tonight, enjoy some wine, and get through some shows on the DVR. Well 2 outta 3 ain't bad right? Wine...check! DVR...check! Papers graded....well, I've still got the weekend!
Tonight was a nice, cool night here in Alpharetta! And since both animals love to be outside quite a bit, I decided to open the patio door so they can go in and out as they please. of the worst things happened....a wasp got in! (And is still currently on our ceiling at this moment.) Now Ruckus, being a little doopy, didn't even notice of course! Instead, she spent the evening sneaking into the back room to eat the cat food, or playing "steamroller" while Rwwar slept, or my favorite, crawling into my lap during dinner. Thank goodness it's close to her bed she is currently curled up and passed out on the couch with me! :) 
Now back to the wasp, Rwwar, on the other hand, L-O-V-E-S bugs. Let's take a picture walk to see what happened.....

This would be her on top of our 3 foot high tower speakers in the living room. (Don't tell Trey!)

Apparently the speaker wasn't high enough so she jumped to the top shelf of the bookshelf and tried to get on the very top! (I was a bit nervous at this point....cats land on all fours still right???)

With all this going on....schoolwork can wait right?? :) 

Oh well, until next time....I'm eagerly awaiting my first day of Christmas music!!

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