Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Night that Ruckus almost died...

Before I begin with the latest 7 month year old antics of my lovely puppy-dog, I'd like to take a moment and say what a SUPERSTAR my brother is! Tonight was the first playoff game of his 7th grade season and he got to start!!! Go VIPERS!! Very exciting!

On to the good stuff....this Saturday was quite busy! Started early early in the morning with a 9am-1pm staff development. Since we would be headed to Dahlonega right after my class for Trey's rugby game, Trey had to take me and pick me up! Wahoo! So after I get through class, Trey and Ruckus meet me at the door! I was real excited about Ruckus getting to come to the game with us! She loves to be outside and loves loves LOVES to be around people! Little did I know...it was bitterly cold. I'm talking "beanie, gloves, blanket wrapped around me, holding Ruckus in my lap for extra body heat" cold. So as Ruckus and I go back to the car during halftime to get MORE jackets and blankets, we meet "Frankie," who was a small white dog that Ruckus would have destroyed if given the chance. So as Ruckus and Frankie "play" for a little while, I look over and find out....she has slipped out of her collar. OH MY GOD! That was all I could think! "She is going to run away!" "She is going to get hit by a car!" "What am I going to do?" "Trey, come help!" I was in an absolute state of panic! It was absolutely terrifying, and she, well...she felt the opposite. I am pretty positive she thought it was playtime and perhaps didn't even know she was off her leash. So, she takes off like a racehorse. LITERALLY. She is running in circles in her "low to the ground-sprinter mode!" And she fully thought it was playtime. Typically if I put on my "angry voice," she takes the hint and will come running. Instead, she came over and crouched about a foot away from me ready to play. A-nnoy-ing!!! This lasted about 5 minutes. Several people came to help us! FINALLY, I don't know how it happened, some miracle perhaps, but a lady was able to get her to come over and then pounced on her! I could have STRANGLED her! And while I was furious at her, she was just so excited! I guess at the end of the day...I still gotta love her! :)

So after that terrible fiasco...the latest thing I've been trying with her....being my jogging partner! Now, if you've never had a puppy for a jogging partner, my advice: don't!!! The first half of our run are relatively wonderful, in fact, she even pulls me a little! I think it's purely the thrill of being outside. The second half...a different story. The thrill has worn off...and now she realizes that the outdoors are full of "SMELLS!" Oh goodness, so the second half of our run consists of her with her nose to the ground, and me pulling her along saying "C'mon Ruckus!" I'm hoping that the more we do it, the better she gets! In the meantime, I'll continue to have a challenging run!

Until next time, bring on the warmer weather!

1 comment:

  1. OMG...I HATE trying to run with Beau. Seriously, did it one time..and couldn't take it. I can barely stand to walk him, let alone run with him..the smelling every two feet...insanity.
