Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tribute to the "Board that is Smart"

From the first time I was introduced to the latest technology that has made its way to the school system, I fell in love. I was amazed and felt as though I absolutely had to know more. How did it work? What all could I do with it? Was it truly helpful enough to ensure student success? And while I was intrigued...and used it daily, I knew that it probably wasn't all that realistic throughout my entire career. However, I was exposed to it during perhaps my most impressionable experience...and well, it's stuck with me ever since. My first year of teaching I absolutely loved teaching and my class and my school and my co-workers and well...every part of it. By year 2...things had changed. I realized that the school simply was not the setting for me. It wasn't fulfulling and wasn't the challenge I had hoped for. So here I am, with a brand-spankin'-new SmartBoard in my classroom and every single day I wish I could go back to August and have this resource from the beginning of the year. I feel as though I have just as much fun creating/finding resources to use just as much as the kids enjoy using them. And at the end of the day, that is what I want to do....I want to share this feeling with other teachers. I want to show them how to utilize this resource in a way that teaches, engages, and inspires. No telling what the future of this business...or my career, holds. However, Destin sure is on the hunt for me (as he sent me more than one job opportunity) and we shall see how the cards fall.

In other, more exciting, news...I hosted my first bridal shower today!!! My "Partner-In-Crime" is getting married in April and I have very little idea as to how I got chosen for this...but I did. And BOY...am I glad it went off without any huge hitches! Including the "bag o' goodies!" Take a look...
Muffin mix to go with muffin pan! Breakfast soon please Rebecca!
Perfect drink for a Tuesday night on a work week!
Beautiful monogrammed towel from Jamie! Note to self: Invite her to my wedding! ;)
Penis straws! You know it! This was complete with all sorts of "honeymoon goodies!"
And snacks....
The whole Corley group...minus a few!

So while the future is constantly changing...and each makes a difference...here's to the unknown and planning for tomorrow!

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