Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If I were a boy...

So Trey and I are coming up on our first year living together this summer and well....let's just say, it's been a learning experience. It turns out that living with a male is TOTALLY different than living with a female...throw pets into the mix and well...occasionally I know what a "stay-at-home" moms job is like...only without the actual kids! So to those of you considering living with the opposite sex anytime soon...here's a few things I have learned (and I am sure that Trey could say many of these things about me as well!)

1) Boys need to be "trained." No, I don't mean this in such a negative way, I really don't. But they don't see dishes in the sink and think "I should put those in the dishwasher." Or "clothes haven't been washed in a week...maybe I'll sepeate clothes and wash a load." They have to be asked....or have it suggested. Otherwise, the result is pure and utter frustration! I put this one first because it's the one I have had the most trouble coming to understand!
2) Lounging around takes on a whole new amazing meaning. Sure, chilling on the couch with girlfriends is fantastic, but "at home date nights" are the best!
3) Compromise....compromise...compromise. It just cannot be said enough. 
4) Sometimes walking away/going into the other room for the night/doing something on your own is the best medicine for irritation. Everything does not have to be talked out. (Hmmm...I should underline that one!)
5) Spelling out expectations up front saves a ton of trouble later on. Letting things slide for a while because you are in the "honeymoon" phase only leads to arguments later on.
6) It will only work if you become a "team." Being on the same path, same page, same plan and communicating those things are invaluable.
7) You don't have to go everywhere together. A shopping trip does not always need 2 people. Feel free to say "I am just not up to it tonight."
8) And finally, laughing. Enjoy each other. Don't fret over the way things look, or things you want to happen that don't. Learning to laugh at dumb, gross, and weird things makes the experience so much more enjoyable. Loving the quirkiness and manly differences help ease the constant wonders and worries.

I know that I have much MUCH more to figure out and I certainly don't have it down, but one of the best things I have learned in this year is how to enjoy the lazy, small, "in between" moments that make me able to survive....living with a boy!

Until next time, happy last day of school eve!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

This summer...I have a plan...

As the summer is fast approaching...a mere 5 days!!! And I have a "To-Do" list. A few things that I would like to do to help me pass the time AND make the summer amazing, enjoyable, and ultimately relaxing!

-Read 3 books a month (End of summer total=6 AT LEAST!)
-Create a workout routine-not simply 'whatever I feel like whenever I feel it'
-Learn to cook more things from scratch (Food Network, counting on your website!)
-Have more wine tastings
-Go on a weekday getaway
-Take 1 day a week for just me
-Teach Ruckus to "shake" and the word "stick"
-Spend at least half the day outdoors doing something...unless it's raining
-Put up the curtains in the guest bedroom
-Find a shower curtain for the bathroom
-Spend more time doing fun FREE things around Atlanta and Alpharetta
-Meet up with friends close by for coffee!
-Teach Rwwar to clean her own litter box
-Grow some YUMMY tomatoes!

If you have other fun summer suggestions...let me know! Until next time, happy summer!